Intro to Material-UI: Basic Components

Lauren Yu
Dev Genius
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2020


Photo by Harpal Singh on Unsplash

Something that I learned pretty early on in my coding career is this: even if your app has amazing functionality, if it doesn’t look good, it will be overshadowed by better-looking apps. First impressions are important, and that carries over to your projects.

If you’re working with React, Material-UI is a powerful styling library. Even if you haven’t worked with Material-UI before, you’ll likely recognize a lot of the icons and components, as Material Design was developed by Google in 2014. After installing the library, you have access to a variety of components that you can import and adjust as you’d like. Right out of the box, the default settings are very clean and cohesive. There does seem to be a bit of a learning curve — it took me a few days of intense work to really get the hang of it — but I think the end result is worth it.

After a brief introduction as to how to import Material-UI into your project, I’ll give an overview of some of the most useful components.

Something that I love about Material-UI is that their documentation and examples are excellent. Right in the docs, you can choose to adjust the primary/secondary and see a sample in real time.

You can also search for specific components and see sample code as well as properties/attributes built into each one. Adding components to your website is as easy as copying/pasting sample code direction into your project.

Before you begin, you’ll need to install two libraries.

First, you’ll need to import the core components.

// with npm
npm install @material-ui/core

// with yarn
yarn add @material-ui/core

Second (optional), you’ll need to import icons separately if you want access to the material design icons.

// with npm
npm install @material-ui/icons

// with yarn
yarn add @material-ui/icons

Note: You can see a full list of components by clicking on the side menu/drawer and going to “Components.”

The App Bar component is what you’ll need to make your Nav Bar. Below is a basic example available on their website (to see the full code, you’ll need to click on the <> icon). As you can see here, they’ve also imported a Toolbar, and other nested components that we’ll touch on later.

The Paper component is an easy way to add a background, outline or shadow to a given area (as shown below with variations of the “elevation” property).

The card component is like Paper but with more built-in features. The below example uses CardHeader (has default font size/style), CardMedia (images, videos), CardContent (description), CardActions, CardActionArea (when a button is clicked in that area, the whole area will look “clicked”)

Material-UI comes with with a built-in theme (which you can override). Below are examples of variations of the variant property.

As shown above, there are default text options for button components. Aside from plain text, you can import material icons to use as buttons as well. Here are a few examples.

Grid containers and grid items are very useful in creating layouts of your other components. You can choose a direction for your container (row/column), spacing, and default sizes for your grid items depending on the screen size. For more specific layouts, you can nest grid containers within other grid containers. There is a very useful interactive tool on the Material-UI website that allows you to test various properties of a grid container.

I hope this gives you a basic understanding of some of the components available in Material-UI and how to get started on your journey. In addition to experimenting with the Material-UI docs, I recommend perusing this YouTube Series, which goes into each of these components (and others) in depth.



Software engineer/full-stack developer and founding member of the Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet.